Friday, March 20, 2009

A few of my favorite...

Here are a few of my favorite video clips. I enjoy watching them on days I need a little lift. I find them to be very encouraging and help me to remember what is most important to me in my life. (if you want to watch it, just remember to turn of the music for my site... go to the sidebar & hit the pause button!)

What a great reminder! Love it!

Here's another one that I absolutely LOVE! It is so inspiring...
I like this one too... I just came across it yesterday & enjoyed it.

I was visiting with Bryce this morning and mentioned to him that I have been working on this blog. He told me that this can definitely count as wrinting in my journal. Bryce is great at keeping track of things in his journal. I am pathetic! Every entry seems to begin with, "Here I go again, I am going to try to keep up with this. I am going to write because I know it's important...". And then, I write until my hand is too sore to go on. The next entry is usually about 2 years later! So if this can count as journalling, bonus! It's a good way to keep track of what we have done & what's important to us at different times. I am starting to enjoy this blogging already & LOVE that my hand doesn't hurt from writing! ;) The other thing Bryce teases me about is whether or not I have even written about the kids births, etc in my journal. *Blush!* I haven't! So maybe I need to add something about that one of these days and pay tribute to each child... and then it will be recorded somewhere!! So much to do...

1 comment:

  1. One of the reasons I started a blog was so that it would count as my journal! It's just so much easier to write to family than to write to myself ;)

    Birthdays make great occasions to write about births or special memories!
