Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just checking in ☺

Yes, I am still alive. I realized that it's been a little bit since I've posted anything. Things are such a ZOO around here half the time I don't know my name or if I'm coming or going! Oh well, that's what I get for having a full life. ;)

Not much has changed. We still have 5 kids (yes, a big pat on the back for having the same head count at the end of every day, lol!), I'm still doing my day home, still teaching cake decorating at Michaels, still decorating cakes for people just about every week now, STILL waiting to hear where we are moving (this one is making me a little crazy not knowing!), still doing the church stuff (of course, wouldn't change that for anything), still working out however which way I can 3 to 5 afternoons/week)... yup, I'm still alive & doing a bit too much, as always.

15 sleeps til we find out if Bryce gets into med school or not. Bryce has his posting message to Edmonton now, but we're just sitting on it until we hear back from NOSM (med school). So we're either moving by the end of June to Edmonton or by the end of July to Thunder Bay or Sudbury, Ontario. We'll either both be gainfully employed in Edmonton... or students & working PT in Ontario. Nothing like not knowing what's going to happen. I'm trying hard to stay blissfully distracted... it's either that or I cry... I'm overwhelmed a bit, I admit. So blissfully distracted it is! Can't cry every day... OK, well , we all know that I am perfectly capable of crying daily (just ask my family)... but that's no way to live life. Monday I cleaned like mad to keep my mind off things. Yesterday I worked on cake things all day (rather in every spare second I wasn't taking care of kids), grocery shopped last night, today I took June, Madi, Dallin & 2 day home kids with me to Brandon for Junes appt. Now I'm blogging (kids are sleeping... woot woot!) & I'm off to get on the elliptical & drown out my worries/stress & just forget about everything for a short time. Then to make dinner, then feed everyone, then to the church tonight... and on it goes, and goes, and goes. Two weeks technically should go by fast, but a watched pot never boils and I keep peeking at the pot. This may be the time where I loose my mind (lol, as if I haven't lost it already!)

OK, that's my quicky blogging post. Off to get on the elliptical before babies decide to wake up!

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