Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reading to Madi

Tonight was my turn to read to Madi and she wanted me to read her a story about fairies. She was pretty cute tonight, as I read to her she felt the pages~ they were covered in sparkles, what 3 yr old girl doesn't love that! ~ and she chatted away as I read. I'm not sure she even listens to what I'm reading but that's ok, she happy and that's what counts. At one point she told me that she wants to have wings so that she can fly too... Ah, to be 3, who knows what color the sky is in her little world. I wish I could remember being that age, it seems so nice and innocent and simple.

Today is also the first Sunday in about 2 years that I was able to have a proper fast. (pregnant and nursing so many times in the past 11 1/2 years has stopped me from having real fasts) it was really good. We decided to have a family fast today. We sat down with the kids last night and decided what we would fast about and started our fast together. Tis morning both Noah and June jumped ship, they both were too hungry to fast, we didn't force them, we told them that it was their choice but reminded them that they should close their fast with a prayer. Adam on the other hand (he's only 7 yrs old) decided he was still going to fast. I was shocked, I figured he would have ended his fast too, but he didn't. He made it all the way to the end of church, and here's the real kicker, he was actually happy throughout! If you know Adam at all, you know he is our physical needs child.. If that boy is hungry or tired, watch out, he's a grump! W do all we can to keep him well fed and rested, it makes everyone's life a little earlier. Anyways, I am SO proud of how well he did today! It was really good! My fast went well today too, I'm glad to be able to do it again and believe it or not, I look forward to the next fast. :)

Tis past week was a whirlwind for me. I thought it would be a slow week, what a joke. I spent sun up to sun down doing things for everyone and did A few things for myself. The ONE thing I have decided I need to fit in my life again is to get some decent exercise in again. I have been very limited to what I can do as I have 2 compressed discs in my back and my right leg is in constant pain or discomfort... Sigh... I'm not enjoying this trial, but I'm trying hard to be patient and not to complain. I just keep taking my ibuprofen all day long and do my best not to miss any doses. I need to get into the orthopedic surgeon sooner than latest, but I'm just waiting for my appointment. Oh well, it is what it is. Anyways, I feel like I'm never going to loose my baby weight, and making cakes for everyone every week isn't helping matters, so I decided that I will just do what I can do to exercises and if it hurts, I won't do it. So as if I didn't have enough on my plate, I'm now doing double time during my days so that I can squeeze in some kind of workout. (its a sad little workout compared to what I used to do, but at least its something) so my week is too full now, and this next week doesn't look any different. Man, to think that when I only had a couple children I could barely manage to get much done. Bryce and I often recall the times when Noah was first born, I hardly got out of my house coat the first 3 months... Granted I almost died after having him. But still, now I have 5 kids, run a day home , work at Michaels one evening a week, make cakes for people, make bread every week, do my calling, visit teach, try to be a mom, wife and even sometimes try to be just me... I have a lot on my plate. It's definitely a full life. Oh well, it's good. I just need to remember to take time to do what's most important, not just do the good things, there's definitely a difference!

I'm glad I'm taking a few minutes to blog, which in my mind, is really my journal writing. Bryce writes just about every day, he's such a good example to me. Love that man!

Oh, one more thing, yesterday Noah went to a friends house. To most people, their kids have play dates all the time. For Noah, this is a HUGE deal. Noah met this boy, Gregory, at the CATC, they were in the day program together. Both Noah and Gregory have Aspergers Syndrome, both boys struggle socially. We are thrilled, as are Gregory's parents, that the boys are getting along and are actually reaching out to each other! It was neat for me to meet Gregory, I have never met anyone else with Aspergers, and as I watched the boys talk to each other and to us, I saw so many similarities! Wow, Noah really does have Aspergers and I can totally see how psychiatrists can make these diagnoses just by sitting down and talking to them. Noah has all the markers of Aspergers. I was thinking about it today and pondering this, I have a child with a disability. I remember many years ago, before I even had children, I always felt impressed that I would have a child with some sort of disability. I never told anyone, it would sound crazy to anyone listening, but as the years unfolded, I always wondered about that impression. I think I always thought it would be a more obvious disability and for so many years, I thought Noah was a quirky little boy... Little did I know, the quirks were actually something else. Funny though, when Noah was given his diagnoses, I thought to myself, how does this change things? It really doesn't change anything. Noah is still Noah, he's still a wonderful boy, still quirky, but we just know now what things we need to do to help him, and realize that some of these quirks aren't just going to go away... He won't grow out of them necessarily. Bt thats ok, I love him, just the way he is! I have said many times, I would have 5 more kids if I knew they would be like Noah, funny hey, he's the one who has Aspergers! Besides, who wouldn't want a child with Aspergers? I get SOOO many hugs daily from Noah! I wouldn't change things for anything! Love that boy! :)

Next thing I'm going to try to squeeze into my already busy life, (because I'm not busy enough, lol!) I'm going to try to take an online photography course. I figure why should I pay someone else for something I could learn to do. So my dad emailed me a link this morning for a good site, I'm going to try to find a few minutes every day to learn something new, and then hopefully I'll figure it out and can just do my own pictures of the kids. (although I have been doing my own pictures of our kids for awhile, but maybe I can make them look more professional)

And that's it for today. I'm also going to try to get more sleep, lol, here's to hoping! I hear sleep helps...

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