Friday, February 25, 2011

What a busy day...sigh...

Today was such a busy day! I completely forgot the kids had the day off. Noah came home from school yesterday and announced that they had no school. What?!? How did I miss this? Honestly, I even had it written down on the calendar, although ironically, it was written down on for Thursday, not Friday. I had it wrong all along. Sigh. Whatever, it's not a big deal to have the kids home, they are MY kids after all. But then I still had the day home kids here and I thought, well at least *N* was going to school today ~ he's in a different school division. Then *N's* mom called me just as I was going to send him off to school, and she told me that his school was cancelled because the weather was colder than -46c. Really?!!? So evvveerrryone was home today AND it's so cold I can't even begin to have the kids go outside! And I had forgotten about it, so my mind wasn't in the right mind set to begin with. Sigh. And June and Adam were fighting by 9:15 and *N* was tattling left right and center by 7:40am. Not really a great start to the day. So I read everyone the riot act (as I always do, lol) and let everyone know what I was expecting from them... you know, be NICE to each other, quit tattling on everyone and everything, keep your hands to yourselves (& teeth too!) and let's TRY to make this a fun day! Nothing like reading the riot act by 9:15 in the morning. Sigh. There was alot of sighing today, if you couldn't tell. In the end, the day went OK, nothing a couple snacks, waffles & fruit for lunch, crafts, crafts and more crafts, and the Wii and a couple movies couldn't solve. Oh and June & Madi went across the street to Rejeana's house for a couple hours during nap time... sweet. (BIG thanks to Rejeana for inviting them over!)
I also decided to make a ton of bread this morning. I figured if I'm stuck inside, I may as well make as much bread as I have time for. So I made 10 loaves and 2 batches of buns (I use the buns for mini pizzas). It's kinda funny though, I feel a bit like a hoarder when it comes to bread. I feel like I can never have enough! I made 6 loaves a couple days ago, so I think I now have about 14 loaves total in the deep freeze? Something like that. I think it should hopefully last until next weekend. Hopefully next Monday (that's about 9 days away from now). Bread is such a staple in our home, we can eat a loaf in one meal. So if we have toast for breakfast and then sandwiches for lunch, that's easily 2 loaves in one day. We are eating machines! And then the kids LOVE to have toast and honey as a bedtime snack. (For Noah, it's almost a ritual to eat toast before bed, no kidding. He's almost incomplete if he doesn't have it, he's funny that way. I swear that boy has a hollow leg or 2, he just eats and eats, I can barely keep up... and he's not even a teenager yet. Scary!)
So next week Dallin turns one. My baby! He's growing up! What happened to this year? I feel like I was pregnant just a little while ago. He's changed alot in a year. My mom always is the first to remind me how much a baby changes in one year. She's right though. A year ago he couldn't really do anything other than eat, sleep and poop... and now he's crawling and laughing and walking around furniture and he copies so much of what we do. He's so much fun! I'm so glad we chose to have him! What a blessing it is to have another baby in our house. I'm trying hard to enjoy these last moments of him crawling around... before I know it, he'll be walking... and then he'll get an opinion... and before I know it, he'll be going off to school. Sob, sob... I wish they could all stay babies! Although, when they grow up, there are so many more fun things we can do together. It's all good. One of our favorite things about this year is that we have and 11 yr old, 9 yr old, 7 yr old, 3.5 yr old and a baby. We have every age & stage pretty much under the age of 11. It's great! (most of the time, lol... I might now say it when they're being stinkers, lol) What a blessing though to have these people in our lives. I'm so glad that we've chosen to have me stay at home and raise our babies. It's not an easy thing to do, and heaven knows when I'm changing the 5th or 6th dirty, yucky diaper in one day, I'm not loving it... but it's worth it. When things are good, they are oh so good. ☺
I'm taking Noah to Winnipeg tomorrow for the Cub Car Rally. He's really excited! I'm excited for him and I admit, I'm SO excited to get out of Shilo! I love going back to the city. I miss living in a city, and I really miss the amenities a city has to offer. Hopefully soon we'll be somewhere bigger... at least where the grocery stores are only a few minutes away, not 1/2 an hour ride down a small highway!! Oh the things that make me happy these days, lol. But that's another story for another day.
Well, I'm off to spend some time with Bryce. ☺ The house is finally quiet and peaceful. ☺ So nice! We may actually be able to have a conversation without being interrupted 90 times, lol.

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